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Self-Love Pillar to a Prosperous Life

Self-love is about feeling self-worth and deservability.  For some, self-love may be an easy concept to master.  For others, it may sound weird or even hard to do.  It can be hard to say "I love you" to a significant other, let alone saying "I love myself."  Some may feel that it is not normal to talk about self-love and thus avoid it.  Others look at themselves in a mirror and wonder how anyone can love them.  This lack of self-love may be due to physical appearance (e.g., weight, wrinkles, etc.) or for other reasons (e.g., ashamed of who they are).  It does not matter.  The universal rule is when a person does not love himself, he limits the flow of abundance and prosperity in his life.  This is because internally he believes that he only deserves a small amount of good, and therefore he will receive only what he believes he deserves. 

If you are looking for your soul mate and you do not love yourself, don't expect someone else to come into your life to love you.  If you do not feel you are deserving, then your soul mate will sense that and stay away.  Thus, the flow of love is blocked by a low sense of self-love.  As with love, money and prosperity does not flow if you do not feel deserving.  If you have low self-love, you have a low sense of deservability.  The low sense of deservability can show up in different ways such as having others take advantage of you or receiving a low salary for the work that you do or not receiving a new job offer.  So what do you do about it?  You can start by looking in a mirror and saying what you love about yourself.  This is a hard exercise for many people, but there are other ways to increase your self-love.

Ways to Increase Self-Love:

1) Look at Core Beliefs

Core beliefs shape how you view the world.  Beliefs are ingrained thought patterns that interpret the information that comes through your five senses (hearing, touch, sight, smell, and taste).  These beliefs are formed starting from your early childhood years.  In fact, some of the strongest beliefs are based on how you were raised as a child because these beliefs are the most ingrained. 

So take a moment and remember back to your childhood years and remember how it was.

Did you feel loved?

Did you feel confident in yourself?

Were you continuously bullied?

Have you taken any beliefs about yourself from your youth into your adult years?  If so, these ideas need to be addressed.  Luckily, recognizing them is half the battle.  The rest is seeing the situation differently.  If you do not feel loved, then start by loving yourself.  Once you love yourself, you will be less dependent on the love of others.  Focus on the situations in which you do feel loved, rather than the situations in which you do not.

2) Forgiveness

The polar opposite of love is fear.  Love produces feelings of joy, happiness, and satisfaction.  Fear can produce feelings of anger, rage, and unhappiness.  When we are filled with anger, attack, and rage, we usually wind up directing these feelings towards others, or keeping the angry feelings inside directed at ourselves.  The switch between fear and love is forgiveness.  Forgiveness is releasing the past which created the anger, rage, and unhappiness.  It does not mean that the event did not happen, but rather that we have lost the emotional beliefs attached to the event.  When the emotions of anger, rage, and fear are dropped, there is more room for love.

3) I Am (Self-Worth)

For many, when they look in the mirror each morning, they are looking at their worst critic.  Many hold themselves back because they do not believe that they are deserving enough.  Life is a reflection of one's beliefs.  To open yourself to prosperity, the key is to see yourself for who you are, rather than who you are not.  Those with confidence (a strong belief in "I Am"), shine at work and in life.  Those that shine attract others to them; they are typically seen as leaders.  Have you noticed that those who are rewarded at work are those that shine?  In addition, have you ever noticed that some managers who believe that they are doing a good job get rewarded even though they may not actually be doing a good job?  This shows how a belief can overcome a shortfall in ability.  Lastly, have you noticed how others with ability are not recognized because they lack confidence?

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